Well, what can I say. I have barely had time to drink a full cup of coffee this week. Its has been full on, jam packed full of all things waste related.
The beginning of the week was welcomed in, by a visit to one of my CIWM WAMITAB learners based in Sherburn in Elmet. He was delighted to hand over his completed portfolio of evidence to me having spent just 4 months completing the MROC1 Medium Risk Operator Competence Certificate for Waste Treatment with Transfer.
I was able to carryout his final on site assessment to test his knowledge and understanding with regards to the assessment criteria within the MROC1 workbook. The learner demonstrated a high level of understanding and was able to answer / demonstrate all of my questions. The training that Waste Training & Consultancy Ltd has given him over recent months has been invaluable, prior to January, this learner had no understanding of Waste Legislation, but did fully understand the operational processes of his treatment facility.
I have taken the portfolio away with me now where it is securely locked away until I am able to carryout a final assessment on it next week. We have one very happy learner, well on his way to completion of his qualification.
Tuesday is my TCM day - I provide TCM (Technical Competent Management) every Tuesday on a Waste Treatment Facility, Landfill and Clay Pit near York. We have been gearing up for weeks, hope for a break in the horrendous weather we have been experiencing.. This week, we got that break and we are now able access the clay pit to start extracting good quality engineering clay for this summers contractual requirements. 6 wheelers full of clay started leaving site this week. The clay dig will continue until the back end of the year.

My responsibilities on this site is environmental compliance amongst other things but this week I was mainly focussing on the National Operator Waste Returns.
Wednesday gave me a break from site visits, as I spent the day in the office catching up and preparing for next weeks round robin tour of England and Scotland, to induct new learners onto the CIWM WAMITAB Qualifications.
I helped a local firm today with their Environmental Management System. Owen Environmental Services are a family run Septic Tank Emptying Company based in Scarborough. My role is to review their procedures and Safe Systems of Work. This role will last several weeks as I examine all of their practices and activities and ensure that all compliance documentation remains on point!
Owen Environmental Services, Scarborough and Whitby

Thursday was excellent fun as I delivered our Waste Management Legislation Course to another group of learners within Total Recycling Ltd. This is the third batch of Hazardous Waste Operators within the company, that I have delivered to. It was a pleasure to deliver the course to such a great group of learners and my feedback from the course is amazing.
Here is a snippet from one guy:
"Not been one for courses I wasn’t looking forward to it.
However Lynda made the course easy to understand and enjoyable.
and the Information was spot on!".

Finally, we've made it to Friday. Today I was stuck working from home, waiting for a technician to arrive, to replace my laptop keyboard (2nd time in 2 weeks!)
He finally arrived at 5.10pm!
All the waiting time today allowed me to touch base via teams with most of my learners and complete some projects I have been working on for a while. I today helped my client BioConstruct NewEnergy Ltd with some technical issues and I baked an apple and blackberry crumble! Happy Dayz!
Keep tuned next week as I travel the UK meeting and greeting new learners and looking at new opportunities..
Have a good weekend everyone.
Lynda Smith